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Pete Drago



How does it feel to be at Kimal Lumber for 19 years? Wow, it will be 20 years in August….

Actually…quite surreal. It really doesn’t seem that long. But when you do what you enjoy. . . time flies! 

Where did you grow up? Go to school? 

Bellmore, NY (LonG Iiislaant Dawling)…My first High School was Kennedy High in Bellmore – then transferred to Venice High. Moved down to Venice when I was 15 (when my parents divorced). I was going to stay in NY, but my mom enticed me with being able to drive earlier. Something I’d been looking forward to…which worked out great, because that’s when I met Brandi (1985, married in 1990). 

This is just for fun, but this is called “The First Four”:

  1. What is the first music album you purchased or received?  I was gifted a Kenny Rogers cassette from my grandmother, but quickly corrected my musical taste with my first purchase of RATT- Out of The Cellar album.
  2. What is the first concert you attended?  2007’s 98 rock fest featuring Disturbed – was supposed to be the first concert with both my boys – but the eldest had gone in to Marine Corps boot camp early so he gave his ticket to his buddy and I took my youngest son and his friend.
  3. What is the first car you owned? 1973 Chevy Chevelle (Malibu) (rustiest piece of junk) but for $100. . . I just couldn’t turn right too fast as the spare tire would fall. Out. The. Side. Of. The. Car.
  4. What is the first job you had?  I had 3 paper routes on Long Island when I was 12. But I think the first job was workin’ at the car wash, YEAaah.

What jobs at Kimal did you hold before becoming a Field Service Rep?

I started as a Window and Door Installer (when that department had in-house employees). Then I moved to Service Technician after the 2008 downturn. Shortly after that I took the Service Coordinator position and was promoted to Service Manager and when we added (back) the Installation Department (with subcontractors). I was also given that department to manage.

What’s your favorite part of your Field Service Rep role? 

Helping people. Turning a concept into a successful position. Mobile office with a constantly changing view. 

What’s the most “memorable” experience you’ve had while at work here? (Amazing story?)

Getting “Arrested” with colleague Scott Smith during a service call.

We got to the job and the homeowner wasn’t home, so we called, and she said its unlocked go ahead and start. Well, as soon as we opened the door to the courtyard, we new we were in trouble – the alarm went off, and then the h/o wouldn’t answer the phone! So, we waited in the driveway and waited for the Police to show up. They had a great sense of humor and totally understood the dilemma as we had paperwork and bright safety-colored t-shirts and labeled vans (not like we were being sneaky). One of the officers took our picture with us with our hands on the hood of his cruiser – and we sent it to our manager. The homeowner was in the neighborhood and drove by a few minutes after the police showed up and she shut the alarm, dealt with the Police and Scott and I were able to complete the service. 

Would you like to comment on why you’ve stayed with Kimal for 19 years, and counting?

I’m a creature of habit, that’s probably why I was at my previous job for 17 years. I’m happy here. I enjoy the people I work with and being able to help resolve issues for clients. 

What about family members….and how do you spend your leisure time? 

I spend most of my time with my wife of 34 years Brandi, just hanging out, we have started gardening (tomatoes have not been easy this year). We each have a few other hobbies, Hers is reading, genealogy research and now has taken up sewing. I tinker a bit with a small woodworking shop I’ve built in the garage and cars.

We enjoy visiting with my eldest son & his wife when we can fit into everyone’s schedule (they are local but very busy with work and school). And my youngest son and his family (4 grandkids) in North Carolina.